
Victorian Studies Websites

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago

The following sites are useful in many different ways for scholars of the British Victorian period.  Sites that contain information specific to a particular subject category (for example, art) are more likely to be listed on the relevant subject page.  Please feel free to add links and brief descriptions of sites that you find useful for Victorian studies.



Victorian Women Writers Project

Site dedicated to digitizing texts by important women writers of the 19th Century, focusing largely on those whose work is no longer in print.  Includes novels, short fiction, poetry, drama, and non-fictional essays.


The Victorian Web

Enormous, highly-respected, collaborative scholarly site with historical information, author profiles, illustrations, analyses, and more on hundreds of topics ranging from religion to art to social history to literature.  Generally contains recent scholarship rather than 19th-century texts, although there are many examples of Victorian visual arts included.


Internet Library of Early Journals

Contains facsilime pages of at least 20 years' worth of the following 19th-century journals:

  • Notes and Queries
  • The Builder
  • Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine


Dictionary of Victorian London

Highly-detailed informational site focusing on London, including maps, social history, customs, illustrations, and more.


The OScholars

Self-described as a "website of a group of journals and webpages devoted to exploring the literature and arts of the fin-de-siècle," this site has separate collections focusing on Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, George Moore, James MacNeill Whistler, and Vernon Lee, as well as a French sister site focusing on Oscar Wilde.  Information in the "Library" sections is particularly useful, as it contains a number of relatively-recent but out-of-print articles and other scholarly sources.

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