
Literature 420 (EMU Winter 2008)

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 1 month ago
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce you to developments in the British novel in the 19th and 20th centuries. Although it would be impossible in 14 weeks to trace all the changes in 200+ years of novel-writing history, or to give you a chance to read one novel by each of the many “great” novelists, this course aims to provide you with a grounding in some major literary movements and to place those within their cultural contexts. The underlying assumption of the course design is that literary texts are produced within and through history, and that they simultaneously help shape the history against which they respond. Thus, in addition to reading a series of novels, we will look at short excerpts of fiction by other novelists, as well as other primary texts that help “locate” the novels within the issues they address. Also, we will consider contemporary responses to the novels, as well as recent scholarship on them, in an effort to provide a sense of the factors that influence the consumption as well as the production of these novels.
I have designed the course with three pairs of novels – one from the 19th century and another from the 20th – that somehow speak to each other in terms of the issues and questions they raise. The contrasts between them will be as interesting to discuss as the comparisons. Although I have tried to choose a list of novels that will manageable in this short amount of time, there is no getting around the fact that 19th century novels are l…o…n…g – and therefore, this class will be quite reading intensive. Keeping up with the reading will be crucial to getting everything possible out of our class discussions. 
Course Schedule
T8 Course introductions
Victorian Culture and the Post-Colonial
R10 Class meets in G07B Halle Library. Introduction to wiki project. 
Jane Eyre – read 63-113 and 600-606
T15 Jane Eyre – read 114-225
R17 Jane Eyre – read 226-302 and 567-584 (Appendix C, selections 1-3)
T22 Jane Eyre – read 303-413
R24 Jane Eyre – read 414-486
T29 Jane Eyre – read 487-556 and 585-599 (Appendix C, selection 4)
R31 some post colonial theory TBA
Wiki text options due for approval
T5 Wide Sargasso Sea – read all of the story (pp. 9-112)
R7 Wide Sargasso Sea – read 637-677, Appendix F, in Jane Eyre as well as 217-250 in the Appendices from WSS
Domesticity and Sensibility
T12 Sense and Sensibility
Response paper #1 due
R14 Sense and Sensibility
T19 Sense and Sensibility
R21 Sense and Sensibility
T26-R28 *** NO CLASS *** WINTER BREAK ***
T4 To the Lighthouse – read “The Window”
            Completed Wiki project due no later than today
R6 To the Lighthouse – read “Time Passes”
T11 To the Lighthouse – read “The Lighthouse”
R13 Articles on To the Lighthouse
Autobiography, Fiction, and Artistry
T18 David Copperfield – read 1-107 (chs 1-14)
            Response paper #2 due
R20 David Copperfield – read 108-170 (chs 15-22)
T25 David Copperfield – read 171-279 (chs 23-38)
R27 David Copperfield – read 279-343 (chs 39-48)
T1 David Copperfield – read 343-437 (chs 49-end)
R3 Class meets in G07B Halle Library; researched paper assigned
            Comments on other wiki projects due no later than today
T8 Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
R10 Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
T15 Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man
R17 Dickens/Joyce Unit wrap up
R24 *** FINAL EXAM PERIOD *** 3:30-4:45 – Researched paper due. Brief presentations on your conclusions to class.


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